"“People ignore design that ignores people.”

-Frank Chimero

The Problem:

How can we help solve the houseless crisis and ensure every unhoused member in our community is safely housed?

The Solution:

Inspired by The 4 Ten Project’s tiny homes community initiative. This designed enables users to apply for income-based and rent to own tiny homes.

Auspicious Abode Dedicated Mobile App and Complementary Responsive Website

Role branding, design iteration, user research, paper and digital wireframing, low and high fidelity prototyping, accessibility consideration and implementation, asset delivery

Duration 1 month

The Process:

The research for this project was based on research I have done with The 4 Ten Project which is a non-profit in my local area that assists the unhoused and food insecure. The personas I created based on my research represent groups that are unfortunately underserved in my area and can benefit from a scalable tool that keeps all community members safely housed. Multiple usability studies were conducted using participants from these user groups.

“You never know what someone is going through. Anyone could come up on hard times and find themselves in this situation”

-Anonymous User

The Outcome:

This is a mock case study. This design is inspired by The 4 Ten Project tiny home community initiative. The Director loved it and would like to use it to help launch the tiny homes community. I would love to see this design launch.


Project Two